Using the wide range of features available to you in the Systat statistical, analysis and graphics program will enable you to perform real time analysis for your research and publications in an easier way. The program's menu-driven interface makes it easy for even novices to produce 2D and 3D presentations and reports. Over 300 scientific and technical types of charts and graphs, that you can cut and paste, can be customized to suit your requirements with a new 'Interactive Dialogue' feature available. You can use this feature to change multiple aspects of your graphics. You can also customize the menu and toolbar configuration and many other aspects of the program's interface. With the Systat's Mixed Model Analysis feature you will be able to analyze various types of linear mixed effects models such as variance components models, regression models, and hierarchical mixed models. When your data includes a large number of predictor variables, larger than the number of cases, Systat provides two standard algorithms - NIPALS and SIMPLS, and you can use the application's Robust Regression procedures to solve problems that are shown up in your data set. The program allows you to use up to 266 character variable and string variable names. Advanced users can use the program's command language and sophisticated statistical routings to create plots and charts that are instantly ready for publication.
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